What’s an eco-tour?
Introduction Eco-tourism is “a system that aims to promote understanding of the value and importance of the natural environment, history, culture, and other attractions unique to a region by communicating them to tourists, thereby leading to environmental conservation.
Eco-tours are programs that allow visitors to experience the attractions while taking into consideration the conservation of natural, cultural, and other resources based on the concept of ecotourism.
Ecotourism began in developing countries as a way to transform tourism into an industry for environmental conservation by showing forests and other natural resources to tourists.
Local residents themselves discover the attractiveness of local resources (local treasures), recognize their value, and communicate them to tourists, which leads to the creation of new tourism resources and sustainable community development.
🌱 エコツアーを楽しむポイント🌱 Points

エコツーリズムは、普段何気ないと思われている自然や文化を活かしたエコツアーとして体験できます。自然遺産や国立公園など自然豊かな地域だけ みる でなく、都市近郊にある里地里山でも魅力的なエコツアーが開催されています。まずは気軽にツアーに参加してみて、地域の宝を実際に見てみましょう。Ecotourism is an eco-tour experience that takes advantage of nature and culture that are usually considered unremarkable. Not only in areas rich in nature such as natural heritage sites and national parks, attractive eco-tours are also offered in satochi-satoyama (rural areas in the suburbs of cities). Let’s take a casual tour and see for ourselves the treasures of the region.

エコツアーでは、その地域のさまざまな自然や文化にふれることはもちろ んのこと、それらを案内するガイドや住民とふれあうことで新たなつながりが 生まれます。In eco-tours, you will not only experience the nature and culture of the area, but you will also make new connections with the guides and local residents who lead you around.

今度はあなた自身が紹介者となってまわりの人に伝えてみましょう。Then, you can be the one to introduce the charms of the region that you have learned through contact with nature and people, and share them with those around you.
歴史あるゆったりとした時間が流れる街散策Strolling through a historic and relaxing city.
『酒造のまち』摂田屋を散策Walking around Settaya, the “City of Sake Brewing”.

発酵・醸造文化の歴史を肌で感じられる場所A place where you can experience firsthand the history of fermentation and brewing culture.
『摂田屋』ってなあに?What is settaya?
摂田屋地区情報発信・交流・食事施設Settaya area information dissemination, exchange and dining facilities.
摂田屋6番街発酵ミュージアム・米蔵(旧機那サフラン酒本舗)“Settaya 6th Street Fermentation Museum and Rice Storehouse (formerly Kina Saffron Sake Honpo)”

昔ながらの手造り味噌がある店“A shop offering traditionally crafted, handmade miso.”

唯一の鏝絵蔵“The sole embossed picture warehouse.”
旧機那サフラン酒本舗“Former Kina Saffron Sake Honpo.”

天保十三年創業以来ずっと摂田屋で継がれる昔造りの酒“Traditional sake crafted since the founding in the 13th year of Tenpo, continuously passed down through the generations at Settaya.”
長谷川酒造“Hasegawa Sake Brewery.”

ガイドさんといっしょに回る快適さComfortable exploration with a guide.
道中にも魅力がたくさんThere are plenty of charms along the way as well.
お醤油で有名な”越のむらさき”。お地蔵さまが印象的な歴史ある醤油醸造。近くを通るだけでお醤油のいい香りが!工場見学も可能。“Koshinomurasaki” is renowned for its soy sauce. The Jizo (guardian deity) is an impressive historical soy sauce brewer. You can catch the delightful aroma of soy sauce just by walking past! Guided tours of the factory are also available.

吉乃川 酒ミュージアム『醸蔵(じょうぐら)』yoshinogawa sake museum “jogura”
吉乃川の定番のお酒やここだけで飲める特別なお酒も味わえる「SAKEバー」や、醸蔵限定販売のお酒も扱う「売店」のほか、デジタル技術も用いて酒造りや歴史について紹介する「展示スペース」があります。There is a “SAKE Bar” where visitors can sample Yoshinogawa’s standard sake and exclusive varieties available only here, a “Shop” offering sake sold exclusively at the brewery, and an “Exhibition Space” utilizing digital technology to showcase sake brewing and its history.

摂田屋の味噌醤油醸造蔵です。摂田屋の中でも有名で歴史のある星野本店。健康の中でも重視されている発酵食品の歴史ある味噌を堪能してみて下さい。This is the miso and soy sauce brewery in Setagaya. Hoshino Honten is one of the most renowned and historic establishments in Setagaya. Enjoy the historical miso, a fermented food that is emphasized for its health benefits.

日本を象徴する和菓子で街歩きの休息Taking a stroll through the city, find relaxation with traditional Japanese sweets that symbolize the essence of Japan.
江口だんご摂田屋店Eguchi Dango at Settaya Shop.