四季折々の美しい自然の風景が広がり、コシヒカリの産地でもある米どころA region with beautiful natural landscapes changing with the seasons, it is also the home of Uonuma Koshihikari rice.
栃尾とは?What’s “Odiya”?
新潟県のほぼ中央に位置し、日本二百名山にも数えられる越後の名峰守門岳の豊かな自然に抱かれた町です。Located roughly in the center of Niigata Prefecture, the town is embraced by the rich nature of Morimondake, a famous mountain in Echigo-Tsumari that is one of the top two hundred mountains in Japan.

豊かな大地と湧き水Abundant land and spring water.
棚田と山を眺めながら絶景朝ごはんEnjoying a breathtaking breakfast with a view of terraced rice fields and mountains.

一之貝の上から棚田や街並みを一望しながら清々しい空気の中でコシヒカリを使用した朝食をいただきます。シェフが作る旨みを活かしたコシヒカリを堪能できます。Breakfast, featuring Uonuma Koshihikari rice, is served in the fresh air while overlooking the terraced rice paddies and townscape from the top of Ichinogai. You can savor the flavor prepared by the chef with Uonuma Koshihikari.
朝日差し込む参道から一之貝の集落を一望Overlooking the Ichinokai village from the sunlit approach in the morning.
諏訪神社Suwa Shrine.
日本の文化遺産である神社A Shinto shrine, a cultural heritage of Japan.
ご参拝Thank you for your visit.
日本には一般的な神社参拝の作法In Japan, there are customary manners for visiting shrines.

鳥居をくぐる際には立ち止まり軽く一礼します。参道は真中を避けて歩きます!日本人でも知らない人が多いんですよ。When passing through the torii gate, it is customary to briefly pause and bow. Also, when walking along the approach, it’s common to avoid the central path. Many Japanese people might not be aware of this as well!

そうなんですね!That’s right! Please translate the above for me.神社でのお参りはどうやるんですか?How do you pray at a shrine?

拝殿前でIn front of the main hall.「二礼二拍手一礼」「Two bows, two claps, one bow」の作法にてお参りします。I will pay my respects following this etiquette.神社の種類によって異なるんです。It varies depending on the shrine’s kind.
とろりと甘くて栄養たっぷり。実は美容にも嬉しい「どぶろく」Smooth, sweet, and full of nutrition. Surprisingly, ‘doburoku’ is also a beauty-friendly drink.
酒造のどぶろくつくりBrewing Homemade Doburoku Sake

どぶろくってなあに?What is Doburoku?
「どぶろく」は、水と米、そして米麹を合わせて作ったお酒です。Doburoku is a drink made by combining water, rice, and rice malt (koji).米を原料とするお酒のなかで、もっとも素朴で歴史も古いとされるのが「どぶろく」です。Among the rice-based alcoholic beverages, ‘doburoku’ is considered the most rustic and has a long history.
Let’s actually see, touch, and experience making ‘koji’!
どぶろくづくり体験Doburoku making experience

「四規七則」Four Regulations, Seven Rules
日本の文化『茶道』を実際に体験しようExperience the traditional Japanese culture of ‘Tea Ceremony’ firsthand.

おもてなしの日本独特の精神が特徴Characterized by Japan’s unique spirit of hospitality.
茶道ってなあに?What is ‘Sadō’ (the Way of Tea)?

「洗い清め」と「思いやり」“Wash and Purify” and “Consideration”

手水は洗い清めとして行われる作法。神社にお参りに行った際にも同じようなものを見かけるね!Temizu is a ritual performed as a purification practice. You’ll see similar customs when visiting shrines!.
比礼の宮清水Hirei no Miya’s Pure Spring Water

サクサク、揚げたてアツアツFreshly Fried Crispy Hot.
栃尾のあぶらあげTochio’s jumbo deep-fried tofu pouches.